This all being said, by a facilitation oversight, announcements did not occur prior to the rest of the agenda.

Having the announcements first is important. But even so, long discussions are bound occur, so I agree with you that their frequency should be minimized either by:
  1. For (a) I'd like to ask anyone who is interested to meet 30 minutes before this Wed mtg (so at 6:30pm) to form a Facilitation and Scribe Team for this week alone (no commitment). Email me if you are interested.
  2. Also for (a) I'd like to add to the agenda for this Wed that we seek help in forming a "Constitutional Convention Committee" that would organize and advertise a "Constitutional Convention" event that would focus on entertaining productive collaborative sessions on understanding the Articles, identifying ambiguity, and proposing specific options to move forward [e.g. a change to the articles, or a request for more insight]. The only requirement is that this group report back to the email list in time for an update by the next meeting, or in-person at the meeting.
  3. For (b) an example of good systems includes creating a "sub-page" on the wiki in order to demonstrate potential changes to the articles themselves (e.g. I'm offering myself, and seeking anyone else who would be generally available to demonstrate and encourage the use of sub-pages to draft changes, or other ways to improve the Articles, such as Bill's excellent
  4. Also for (b) I want to add to the agenda of this Weds meeting that we include a brief discussion on how to share and consider all of our different, helpful, insightful perspectives on how groups are able to collaborate, other than the email list.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Eddan <> wrote:
Patrick -

I share your frustration, even as I end up taking part in what is frustrating about it. It is unfortunate the manner in which these discussions have evolved, but I think it is also worth considering why these sadly uninviting conversations keep coming up so that we can try to fix it rather than ignore what it might signify when articulated in a more friendly spirit. 

It is my impression that underlying all the technicalities is a sense that we're broaching the point where making decisions on behalf of the whole feels more important. You could say we are graduating into the next phase of the spiritual constitution of this unlikely community. It stirs emotion because we share the dissatisfaction of the existing models of how this is done regularly and want passionately for this to be different than that. 

I know that you're right that the rules-based version of this feeling is likely not the best way to go. But we still have to figure out how to make decisions together, even if it is the choreography of a puppet-show folk-dance.


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Patrick Schmidt <> wrote:
Dear Sudoers,

what happened last week again?

Everybody was excited, we had a birthday, we had awesome food and
awesome people.
As hackers we come to share what we are passionate about, get
inspired, plan new projects,
and are excellent to each other, work together on things at Sudo and
plan awesome activities.

But than a big rupture. A new ever returning topic comes to the agenda,
the whole energy of the room fades away.

The looks of the faces of the people all say the same:
lets get as quickly over this point as possible.

But we had to go through this for one hour, an EGO driven conversation starts.

Its about regulating, rules, hypotheticals, bureaucracy, installing
special sudo functions almost like police.

we were arguing an hour over some trivial wording.

is this really the way we want to go?

Not being able to solve problems in the moment at the meetings?
Or to keep the positive energy going at the meetings?
Paralyzing ourselved for one hour again instead of sharing?

Do we really want to loose somuch time about wording of a document
which is only read
by the people who wrote the document?

We all enjoy coming to sudoroom. For a growing and thriving community
it should be easy
to tell friends about it, invite people and say "just be excellent to
each other and check it out",
nobody will read any commendments or laws before coming.

But what would new people see at the meetings? the same uninviting
left brain driven discussions we see in politics and law...

Do we really want to be ruled by a police system again within our
newborn community?

We are all one, one community, one people, one tribe.

Dont get me wrong, I dont want to blame, accuse or criticize anybody.

I want to put awareness of what the Eg wants:

The EGO seperates itself from all the others. The EGO wants to hang on
to the old system
of ruling, devide and conquer. The EGO is afraid of a world of the 'WE"

We have to get over the stage of EGO driven tactics to create a truely
free community.

So what can we do about it?

we have to show a lot of love towards the EGO driven minds. Hold em
tight, say we love em, and that we appreciate their effort for the
After all (lets hope) they have good intentions.
But we also have to make it clear that we dont need all these
regulations and the seperation from the rest of the world.

we are one big family, and only if we accept this we can build a better future.

just my personal feelings,
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