There's a critical theory and fitness series going on throughout the summer with the group Heavy Breathing. I'm just writing this because often the Omni is so large, people visit SudoRoom and then they say "Oh there isn't a lot going on here" or "I'd like to know more of what's happening"
It's pretty cool - some of their sessions were in the park in Oakland and at various creative spaces, but they have an event today and they had an event two weeks ago at the Omni Disco room. Even though it wasn't at the SudoRoom, it's cool that I can just walk up and downstairs to attend these events.
It's cool that there are dancers in the same building as the SudoRoom, and that these kinds of events happen. I think the series pokes fun at the current obsessions Americans have with fitness, wherein people try to find some kind of religious and spiritual fulfillment or social identity through their yoga and crossfit classes.
the series was featured recently in New Yorker magazine:
I don't think they poke fun at it in a mean way, but it's something to think about, especially as these gym classes push a "spiritual" message while maintaining themselves as capitalist, chain store type entities whose only aim is to make money. When someone is pretending to be your friend and spiritual guidance counselor but is part of a corporate template fitness system (think of Zumba), that raises larger questions, and it also illuminuates the future
Tonight there's another session of Heavy breathing at the Omni, and I'm going to attend it in-between my session learning at the CyberWizard Institute.
It looks like it's going to be fun!
I should make this a blog post and clean it up, but my point is that having this large building at the Omni enables people of different creative bents and ideologies to hang out with each other and collaborate.
much love!
Romy Ilano