Hey kids,

I'm thinking of doing a mini project : art + medical records during one of my weekend visits to SudoRoom.


Is anyone else interested? 

- I did a 3D model of my broken ankle last year, and I was going to print it out (but it got too complicated).
- we discussed some cool topics, among them the right of patients to own their healthcare records
- And of course, mixing art and healthcare records - it's cool! It's another way f understanding your body besides charts, graphs and numbers.

People were psyched, I think some people were going to bring their MRI records to SudoRoom... 


Romy Ilano

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Romy Ilano <romy@snowyla.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 8:36 AM
Subject: 3D printing my MRI ... scraps of something getting started
To: sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>


Hi, I've been having fun at SudoRoom lately. I have wanted to 3D Print my MRI of my ankle!

I'm trying to overcome some hurdles >
--  I'm fundamentally a software and 2D digital person normally, it's hard for me to get into 3D modelling
-- I'm used to keyboards, not wrenches and touching things which is why I go to hardware hack night

I want to get beyond the stages of just looking at stuff on the 3D Printer. Anyone else up to it? I'm wondering if I should come in more than once a week... 


Romy Ilano