I've been very busy and haven't made the time to come by sudo room for quite a while but I did last night and it was great to see familiar faces again. I'm also looking forward to meeting the people I've only seen on the list so far, and to congratulating people in person on all their hard work in keeping sudo room moving forward! And to being able to participate more in person in the future.

I've been feeling out of touch with what's going on, especially after the drafting of the successful grant proposal. I tried searching my list archives to see if I missed anything about organizing this and it seems I didn't. Grant writing is something I want to learn more about and I would have liked to participate in the process and I would have made the time to if I had known about it. I'm still looking forward to Vicky's idea for a grant database and to contributing to that however I can.

I have a conflict that prevents me from coming to the Wednesday meetings and my schedule is very tight otherwise, so I've been following the list and looking at the meeting minutes diligently to try to stay engaged. Despite that I've been unable to gather a clear sense of what's going on, and lately (not since early September according to my seach) I haven't seen the minutes appear on the list at all except for last week. I still won't be able to make it this evening, so I hope there will be minutes to read that the whole community is informed of.

When I stopped in last night I learned in vague terms that there is an important meeting about securing a new space at the Omni happening on Thursday evening. If this is true, can anyone who is involved in that inform the community via the list about what is going on, and defer a final decision until there's broad consensus? The last I see about it from searching the list is from October 1st.

While I appreciate the initiative and effort on the part of people moving this forward, (though I'm not sure who they might be,) I want to make sure that whatever decisions made that affect the whole community are still based on informed, explicit consensus by the whole community, which is fundamental to how sudo room works.