Urban Tilth is awesome; this is an awesome opportunity

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From: Dave Karoly <dave@nobawc.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 5:33 PM
Subject: [nobawc-announce] Part-time job announcement for Urban Tilth's Cooperative Facilitator
To: NoBAWC Announcements list <nobawc-announce@lists.nobawc.org>


Urban Tilth cultivates agriculture in west Contra Costa County to help the community build a more sustainable, healthy, and just food system. The Cooperative Facilitator position (50% time, 1 year contract) will work within a cooperative business incubator that aims to start new democratically governed businesses in Richmond.  The position will begin by working intensely with a recently started food business.  The facilitator works directly with members to increase their capacity to independently run the business successfully.  For more info, see the attached job posting.  The deadline to submit an application is Monday, March 10.

-Dave (NoBAWC staff)

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