He also recently approached me, and I stated clearly "Please don't talk to me, I don't feel comfortable talking to you." He then continued asking me what he was going to ask me, then I stated it again. I then stated it a third time, and then he finally responded by saying "Well you know you should get that looked at." 

I politely asked he to not talk to me, and explained how I felt, only to be insulted there after. This was around 2:50ish pm. 

Robert Albert Young Chu
"Radiant Ambition Yields Change."
Call or Text :415-724-0425
Email: robert.chu01@gmail.com

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Robert Chu <robert.chu01@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Sudoroom & Omnicommons,

Earlier in the day when nobody was in Sudoroom, I removed one table (from the dual table island adjacent to CCL). I set it up outside, as I using it as a worktable for hacking on my van). About two hours later Steven came blaring out the rear doors, yelling at me specifically saying "Fuck you" over again, and "You have taken my table".  "Fuck you" You could have taken any other table, but you have taken my fucking table."

For the first couple of minutes I was trying to decipher if he was serious or saying in a joking manner, then he kept yelling at me about the table. 

I then tried to explain to him that nobody was in Sudoroom and there are many other places to work (including the other table that is still connect to the island). 

He then yelled at me some more, and Max from Phat Beets came out and said they were having a meeting. He then continued to yell over Max after that was stated. I then proceed to ask Steven for proof of ownership of the table, and also how does he own it. I also then asked how does he own this table that (I'm pretty sure) is owned by Sudoroom. 

My arms are still shaking from the trauma that this has caused (as I do suffer from PTSD, for many quite a few big, serious reasons). 

I do feel these blows are a pattern of behavior that should not be ignored. As when Sudomesh was having a meeting on Sunday, Steve blew up because somebody damaged his trailer's lock, and was loud and disruptive about it for many hours during that day. 

There was also a time that his laptop got stolen, and he flipped and kicked a set of plastic bins in Sudoroom. 

This explosive behavior is hard for me to deal with because of my PTSD.

The biggest thing with what has just transpired, is that the safe space policy was tremendously violated, toward me, over something that really should not have been an issue at all. 

I am using a table that no one was using, it did have Steven's laptop bag stored/attached to one of the feet. I think that is the bigger unsaid reason of why he is upset. His personal stuff was touched.

This event happen about 1:15pm, and I am still a little unnerved. Right after this happened I talked to another Sudoroom member about advice on what to do, and was also calmed a bit as well. He recommend an email. 

I also plan not having any interaction with Steven, and will avoid him, and ignore him further. I don't feel safe around him. 

Thanks for reading

Robert Albert Young Chu
"Radiant Ambition Yields Change."
Call or Text :415-724-0425