I think it's fine time sudo room members organize subcommittees to focus on fundraising and organizing/cleaning issues. Below is a semi-organized stream of thoughts on the matter, hopefully some useful:

Re: Sudo finances, we are only currently able to pay our monthly invoices because we sold the Bitcoins we'd accrued over the years. Since the email blast to nonpaying sudohumans the other week, we're now up to $1650/month from Stripe/sudohumans (45 members) plus $215 from Paypal (5 members).

Re: sudo fundraising - I'm recalling a few folks volunteering to compose a fundraising committee at one of the recent sudoroom meetings. Does anyone remember who was running point on that? We could easily start building up a reserve by throwing a party once a month, hosting some workshops via Eventbrite or the like (the mesh workshop this weekend's made $500 thus far just via donation-based Eventbrite tickets), running a donation-based fix-it clinic, etc

Re: cleaning & organizing, lots of awesome work has been done over this past year initiated principally by Adam, and more recently by the triumphant return of Rayc :D Robb and I did a binge-superclean before the bookfair last fall, and I'm always game for a good cleaning party that would ideally be ritually recurring, but tbh I'm weary from years of attempted sudoroom-space-organizing and would rather see new members step up to that plate - so, grateful for your enthusiasm Cap'n!

One thing I keep failing to close on and would like support with is requesting FREE E-WASTE PICKUPS from Omni's totally rad recycling company, Civicorps. The ewaste shelving area behind the fridge is a relatively new addition, and I'd intended to label areas of the shelves for various common itemizables eg monitors, hard drives, COFFEE MACHINES(AHEM), etc. The deadtree forms are on a clipboard on the main table (previously hung on the shelves themselves) and require tallying the itemizable ewaste. They'll take assorted wires and cables, but not miscellaneous bits I don't think. They also require a day-of contact for access to the area, which Rayc had volunteered to be previously but could just as easily be Steve, Sierk, or others who are typically there during the day. The form can also be submitted online here: http://www.civicorpsrecycling.org/ewaste/  
- SO EASY! Anyone who regularly benefits from or creates ewaste in sudo should be helping with this, really.

Re: Omni working groups - yes, Omni really needs help! In particular, the last couple of "meetings"/workparties of the Building Working Group have been just me and Robb hacking away at the endless building maintenance to do list, a partial rundown of which lives on the giant blackboard in the entrance hall. I've been the defacto facilitator of the Building WG over this past year, but I don't have the spoons to continue and would love to have some fresh hands & heads in that group. We just got our first payout of $11K from the Generosity kitchen campaign (have y'all donated?!) and need to start planning the basement kitchen buildout.

Omni's Communications Working Group is meeting at 6pm today, typically in the Omni office upstairs, if any folks would like to join and help with that end of things.

Technically, each member collective of the Omni is supposed to have at least 2 members in working groups, plus one for every 20 members. With ~80 members, Sudo should have 6 members in Omni working groups. Currently I'm in, erm, all the working groups, and Robb, Patrik, Sierk, and Yar are in Building and Kitchen (or, in yar's case, Building and superhero-sysadmin). Would be wonderful to have some new folks joining in!




Help open a professional kitchen at the Omni Commons in Oakland!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 12:19 AM, Marc Juul <marc@juul.io> wrote:
Hol is bringing up Omni-level things and it would be really great if sudo members participated more in the Omni since there is no Omni volunteers other than those from various collectives!

I think your outlined steps make sense and it would be great to get more folks to take on responsibilities and report back to sudo room, both for things at sudo room and the wider omni.

On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 4:15 PM, <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:
Hi Capt. Chesapeake,

I would just like to point out that these are great ideas which have all been brought up and discussed and implemented to various degrees.  There are standing working groups at Omni focused on many issues, meetings here may not be accurate but whichever one you feel motivated to join and consistently support it would be much appreciated: https://omnicommons.org/calendar/events/categories/working-groups/

You're ahead of the curve for having read some of the founding documents, and there is alot of additional history on the Omni side which took over more of the meta organizing function. 

What is needed is follow through from your first realization below of what must be done, through to consistent presence, much better to take on a light workload where there is an identified gap in volunteer effort and stick with it so it doesn't fall back on anyone else's plate.  If you have any trouble navigating existing landscape of Omni organizing activities Jenny and Yar are probably the most plugged in these days.

I have honestly not been active on organizing side the past 2 years, so take my opinions and priorities with a grain of salt, just wanted to get you plugged in so you can have impact proportional to the energy you're coming in with.  IMO getting more members in who enjoy building community and leaving the space better than they found it is the highest priority and everpresent "to-do" task.  Happy to do my part on cleanliness tonight in between messinesses.


On 2018-01-23 12:15, Captain Chesapeake wrote:

Hi all,
Please review my plan below and let me know if this jives with the philosophy for the space.

On Jan 21, 2018, at 7:04 PM, Captain Chesapeake <daro120sudo@gmail.com> wrote:

Ok. There are few overall goals with respect to what I discussed above I think we should set, and it will take more than just me to execute them. Do these next steps make sense for the organization, for example?
1. Ask for volunteers to lead fundraising, cleanliness, and organization challenges, perhaps develop subcommittees specially tasked with these goals.
2. Ask these volunteers (with help of members) develop scope, schedule, budget (?) and lead execution of them, each with help from more volunteers.
3. Monthly reporting to the group on progress.
I'd like to work with rcsheets on the financial issues, specifically developing a budget and setting targets for member contributions and fundraising. I have some other ideas about how we can raise money too. Rcsheets: can you work with me?
On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 9:50 PM, Marc Juul <marc@juul.io> wrote:

On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Captain Chesapeake <daro120sudo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm a new member. I'm excited to be a part of this community. There are great people and great resources in the space. I've also noticed that is kind of disorganized, cluttered, and the organization is broke! As a medium to long term goal I think it would be great to gain financial solvency and be able to start saving for larger projects as well as clean up the space and make it an amazing workspace with lots of working tools, spare parts, and workspace.
I reviewed the articles of association and noticed a few roles that were not apparent to me in the meetings I've attended. For me the first goal of implementing change is identifying the leadership and working with them to build a consensus.
sudo room tries to be a horizontally structured space. You have as much sudo power as you're willing to take on but working with others and checking in before taking actions that are hard to undo is always good.
Is there an existing facilitator, scribe, exchequer, and conflict steward?
 This should probably be re-written slightly as these are roles that are assigned on a per-meeting or per-conflict basis. We should probably be better about actually verbally making a group decision on who is the facilitator and scribe for each meeting (lately we've been bad at that), though we do take collaborative notes so there is usually more than one person scribing. There can also be more than one conflict steward at the same time if there are multiple ongoing conflicts. We do have an exchequer and I believe that rcsheets is currently it :)

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