Paul your points are valid. Thanks for letting me know... I don't want to send too much stuff like this to the list
I struggle with these issues myself.
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
On Apr 1, 2013, at 16:47, Paul Ivanov <> wrote:
> Hi Romy,
> we haven't met, but I wanted to relay to you that the *style* of
> your email made me feel a bit uneasy and made me doubt your
> commitment to the *content* : namely that you want to see more
> women in tech.
> In my experience, regardless of gender identity, the technical
> ability is not the *only* issue keeping more folks from
> participating in tech events, whereas the atmosphere often can
> be. In particular, think of how intimidating it would be for
> someone new who might otherwise consider going to this event were
> it not for your implied expectation of technical prowess at the
> risk of being dismissed as being just a "marketing" type. And
> vice versa for someone with serious tech chops to think twice
> about their appearance (which may normally include wearing high
> heels, for example).
> best,
> --
> Paul Ivanov
> | GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7
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