for those of you who weren't at the San Leandro Meet the CIO event on hackerspaces last month (, it was an awesome event that far exceeded my expectations. i learned a great deal from the experiences shared by Hacker Lab, NextSpace, and the Port Space representatives - I think there's a video up somewhere.

Of all the things I took away from that evening, it seems most relevant to share what Joel of the Port Space was emphasizing, especially because of his background in real estate. Because of the new and different ways in which buildings related to hackerspaces are being used and managed, he said the worst mistake is to make enemies with your landlord. He repeated that the only way such a venture could succeed is if there is open communication and cooperation with the owners and flexibility in negotiations over lease terms.

From: "DAcosta" <>
Subject: Summary of this morning's conference call for Meet the CIO event / Sept. 19th
Date: September 12, 2013 4:20:48 PM PDT
To: <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: <>, <>

Thanks again for everyone’s participation this morning. 
1.       Format
a.       5 p.m. – Registration and Networking (please arrive by 5 p.m.!)
b.      5:30 to 6:15 – Panel Presentation, 10 minutes each in the following order:
                                                               i.      Eric / Hacker Lab
                                                             ii.      Erin / NextSpace
                                                            iii.      Joel / The Port Space

                                                           iv.      Eddan / Sudo Room

We will provide the project setup for the presentations – all you need to bring is a flash drive.  If you’ll need an internet connection, let me know ahead of time.
c.       6:15 to 6:30 – Audience Questions – some flexibility here, questions will probably go longer!

d.      6:30 to 7:00 p.m. – Networking and event end.  Chances are that this will probably go on until at least 7:30, but feel free to leave at 7 if you need to. 

2.       Panel  (45 minutes, 10 minutes each for preso, 15-30 minutes for questions)
a.       Powerpoint, if desired (bring flash drive)
b.      Internet access, if needed
c.       I anticipate questions from the audience may revolve around some of the following: (assume this is very new to San Leandrans in the audience)
                                                               i.      What motivated you to do what you are doing?
                                                             ii.      Why do people want to join these community spaces?
                                                            iii.      What does it cost to join and what do you get?
                                                           iv.      How did you raise the money to invest in this space

                                                             v.      What are you looking when choosing a community to invest in?

Thanks again, and please don’t hesitate to call me with questions!
Deborah V. Acosta
Chief Innovation Officer
Office of the City Manager
City of San Leandro
Tel: (510) 577-3353
Email:  Fast fiber now!