Kay, thanks jenny!

I figured he was not an official sudoer, but I didn't know who at sudo may know him better informally, and who may have a better relationship with him to communicate more effectively with the guy than I could. Matt suggested Patrick - I just wanted there to be a chance for someone to speak up for him or perhaps offer some explanation for him outside of what I could fathom or talk to him themselves -

FWIW, at the time, I did ask him to leave.. and if he comes back, I'll do the same. 

rock n roll

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi David,

This person is not a sudoer (and I don't think I've met him), but you are! And as such, empowered to ask anyone to leave at any time, for any reason, and they must stay away for 12 hours unless another member vouches for them.

Perhaps sudo or the 'how we organize' wg should propose that Omni also adopt the following: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Articles_of_Association#Article_5._Empowerment_of_members


"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Matthew Senate <mattsenate@gmail.com> wrote:
He is not on the list of members: https://sudoroom.org/crm/

Any member can check the list of members in the future, and if you forgot your password you can reset it with your email address here: https://sudoroom.org/crm/index.php?q=reset

// Matt

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 8:14 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

The sean I am speaking of is not the awesome sean of Spaz fame here, but the guy with dreads.

A lot of us have known him from around, for a while. I've seen him crashing at various group houses and generally around since about 2006 going back to Apgar days, if anyone remembers that house. 

He says he is a sudoer, although I am not sure if he is or ain't. I suspect he ain't. 

I know Sean has cognitive difficulties, but after watching him dump about a pint of coffee on the ground and simply refuse to take any time to clean it up because he had 'other priorities', I am not happy to have him sharing our space. 

After Niki and I confronted him after much - much - haranguing, he eventually got a mop and cleaned it up, yelling at me about some total nonsequitur like how I should care more about Max from FNB being hurt than him cleaning up his own mess (as it happens I drove Max to hospital the other day right after that happened, but whatever.) 

This is the second time I have had to confront sean about something like this while I have barely been around this last month, but I suspect a lot people don't engage with him when stuff like that happens, so I'm guessing it probably happens frequently.

Since he identifies with sudo, I would like to ask Sean to come to a Sudo meeting where he can can be informed as to the the general attitude of respect towards the space and people in it. If anyone can mention this to him or if you know his email?

I would like to ask that Sean be unwelcome here until he does come to a sudo meeting. If he is not a sudoer but a guest of a sudoer, I would like to know who will be responsible for dude when he is here, cleaning up after him, etc.

I do not think sean is a bad person, just totally in his own world really, and because of that self-centeredness, mental issues or not, he is just uncaring about how he treats others and his environment. I can't believe he expected others, on their hands and knees stocking the fridge full of donated food, to clean up his own mess that he basically pored right in front of them to kneel in. It's just not at all cool. 


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