Open up the terminal on your computer.
mkdir SudoLesson
cd SudoLesson
Now use git to clone the github repo for this workshop
git clone
cd SudoRoom_Python_DomesticViolence
write your first script in the python folder, name it
from sys import argv
script, filename = argv
in_file = open(filename)
indata =
print("Here's your file %r:" % filename)
print("The sample csv is %d bytes long" % len(indata))
input(" Return to continue >")
print("Now I'm going to print out all the data - it's very long!")
input(" Return to continue >")
input(" Return to continue >")
print("Closing the file")
Run the script, we'll be using the sample.csv which is the spreadsheet of crimes in the Oakland area in the past 90 days
python python/ csv/sample.csv