You're right Vicky. The flyer has been changed--it is, after all, better to make death obsolete than the remembrance of it, although some people believe that technological resurrection may be possible someday.
Also, no one brought it up, but I realized it could be possible that the very Halloween-ish nature of the event could be somewhat offensive. People who are perceived to be using technology in way that transgresses the traditionally accepted human form are very much discriminated against, e.g. Steve Mann's attack in France. I've been called a "cyborg freak," and "autistic" for my wearable tech experimentation. I hoped to address this perceived uncanniness of these technologies through the playful "cyborg zombie" invitation, but I understand that that could be very offensive to some people questioning their primate-body-identities who have been harassed or attacked because of other people's fear.
This has been an interesting discussion. I appreciate all of your feedback very much.
Here's the new flyer. Peace everyone!