Is there anyway to make this meeting available over the web? Live stream ??? I'd love to attend.


Craig J. Rouskey

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:

Doh - can't make it on Thursdays, because I'll be busy doing Open Science at BioCurious :-D  Hopefully some of the other Counter Culture Labs people can make it though...

Hm - you mind if we put this on our meetup as well?


On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Matthew Senate <> wrote:
Hey all!

We have a special guest visiting from Paris, Célya Gruson-Daniel, working on a web documentary on Open Science through the Hack Your PhD community:

While she's in town, she wanted to throw an open science event, so I offered to host at Sudo Room on Thursday at 7pm. We're reaching out to the Open Knowledge community in the bay area and everyone is invited:

I'd love to see your faces, be merry, and mush our braincells together.

// Matt

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