Since it will be outside 24/7, maybe we should install a weatherized or skinnable keyboard? as if we dont, that may invite yet more keypad fails down the road - 

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014, Max Klein <> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Andrew <> wrote:
"Replace the keypad with a usb-keyboard." <-- this is an awesome idea. Actually we can just use a usb numpad if we want to keep it simple.

I actually I completely forgot, I got stole a usb 10key numpad from work for this purpose. i'll try and bring it in this weekend, but that shouldn't stop anyone from screwing a keyboard to the wall.

I'd also love to see the RFID working again, or atleast repurpuse that for something else. It's just sitting there right now (if it's even still there).

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Max Klein <> wrote:
whoops, forgot to include niki

oh and to get into sudoor (from the sudo network) you need to have your key added by Jordan or William buddington. Or I guess i have root, I can also do that if you send me your key.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Max Klein <> wrote:

All of you receiving this want to breathe new life into the door.
Just to let you know, right now the raspberry pi that control the keypad and the electronic latch mechanism, I set it to reboot itself every 4pm and 4am. That's been happening for the last few months.

My recommendation, without totally re-engineering it - which you are welcome to do by the way - is this: Replace the keypad with a usb-keyboard. Most of the errors come from the keypad disconnecting, not the uptime of the Rasperrby pi. We know the pi is more stable than the keypad because even when the keypad doesn't work, the web-interface unlock usually still works.

Web interface unlock is a webserver running on "tamale" which is another pi upstairs in sudo. And it calls the script which runs on the downstairs doorpi, i call this pi "sudoor" by the way.

So. The quickest hack that i've been meaning to do for a while, is replace the keypad, with a usb-keyboard.
That involves:
1. physical installation of a keyboard outside (screwing it to the wall somehow)
2. tweaking the code in /root/sudoor/keypad/ (or some such on sudoor) to take use the raw_input() command rather than the get_serial() (because the keypad works over serial).
2.1 I also had this idea that we could use the caps lock key light as an indicator, you can make it flash if the code is incorrect or whatever.
2.2 just thinking now too, if we use the raw_input() then we should also catch the Keyboard_interrupt() exception and ignore it, so people can't exit hte baron program cos they have the keyboard.
2,3 this will allow non numeric passwords if we want.

I don't mind consulting a bit, but my intentions have just been left for too long, so ask me any questions you need, and be bold.
Max 707 478 7023

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 3:32 PM, David Keenan <> wrote:
Lori seemed open in the past for paying for a low-cost (ie, hacked together & installed by us) intercom system that worked for us & others on the second floor.

As good excuse as any to hit up Al's..

On Monday, January 20, 2014, David Keenan <> wrote:
until we nail down the cause, if theres a usb power issue might a dumb workaround be a scheduled power cycle every N hours? i.e., connect the pi to an outlet timer..if we/anyone haz one of those to donate? 

On Monday, January 20, 2014, Dan Krol <> wrote:
Not knowing anything about the specific application, I'll risk asking a naive question - any reason not to just get a powered USB hub? Though I'd caution against plugging