Some details from nb that could give some insight at hacker space financial planning.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noisebridge Treasurer
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] Financial Report, need proxy
To: Noisebridge <>
Cc: Noisebridge Treasurer <>,

Hey folks, a little bit more in depth financial report this week. Can
someone show this at the meeting? Our secretary, my usual proxy, is
home sick.

Can someone chat with me about presenting this stuff? I can also write
a little more elaborate explanation.

The attached charts are looking at *individual donor income*. That
means I've excluded corporate matching, anonymous cash donations
(which all go under Anonymous), and the large donation from the Thiel
foundation. What you're looking at here is individuals (all renamed to
protect the innocent) who regularly donate to noisebridge, and trends
in that income.

A few interesting notes:

- We always seem to get nervous about our balance in the winter, but
we actually have less income over the summer.

- 2011 was actually a good year for us. That was the first year we
panicked in the winter about not having enough money, twittered about
it, and made lots of money. You can see the peak in late 2011 / early
2012. 2011 also has the largest average annual donation per donor, the
largest annual total, and the largest summer income. Winter 2010 beats
winter 2011 though.

- We have a small core of amazing, consistent, large donors. I thought
these might change over the years but they are actually pretty
consistent. You can see them in the color coding for the stacked
annual chart. So thank you to Signe Bergman, Gertrude Harding,
Marianne Hainisch, Emily Stowe, and most of all Bríet
Bjarnhéðinsdóttir, for their incredible support of Noisebridge.
