It has only to do odd outcomes that sometimes come out of negotiations, in this case with the event planner. Essentially, she wanted to negotiate down from $3K (she initially offered $2-3K). I was trying to negotiate up to $3K. The compromise struck to get it back to 3K involved us committing volunteers and that was thought of as 'separate' money purely semantically from the base rate - ie, a base rental rate of $2750, plus at least ~$200 for having volunteers help with parking bikes and such - the fact that only the bike parkers were mentioned as justifying this extra cost for them has only to do with idiosyncrasies of how the negotiations progressed. All the money should go to omni, because we really need it to pay our rent. We also aren't paying workers comp insurance (as an all-volunteer nonprofit), and aren't set up legally yet to pay anyone who could possibly be considered an 'employee' - we're working on getting that insurance though. 

It is not that different from how the lease was negotiated. You can look at the lease after the fact and say 'this is a weird lease in some places, why did they write it like that? Wouldn't it have been simpler to just say it this other way?' Yes - but to reach the point of agreement where our interest is represented to the fullest extent accomplishable, it is not always a direct or straightforward road, but a wind-y one with detours along the way, and cleaning up the language often results in more detours, rather than a straight-ahead route -

Essentially it is a side effect of me trying to negotiate as effectively as possible for the omni, and get as much money  as we can to pay ourselves back for a lot of the improvements we have been making.


On Saturday, October 25, 2014, joseph liesner <> wrote:
I hope at some later time we can discuss the process that resulted
in this clarification. I neither know or have heard anything about it.
On Oct 25, 2014, at 2:00 PM, David Keenan wrote:

- Although they offered to pay bike parkers/watchers directly, that has been clarified and all $ is going to Omni - not to worry.