---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Scott Nanos" <scott.nanos@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 1, 2014 12:21 PM
Subject: HALP!
To: "Jenny Ryan" <tunabananas@gmail.com>, "yar" <yardenack@gmail.com>, "Ron Gruesbeck" <rongruesbeck@gmail.com>
Can one of you forward this to sudo discuss plz!?
Does anyone use ubuntu studio and/or Ardour + JACK?
I am making music demos for optikallusion's OMNI fundraiser video. The tracks sound amazing in Ardour, but when I export the track to a .wav file it can't play in any media players...
This has sucked a serious amount of productive hours from me and will continue to do so until I will (someday) be released- can anyone help me with this? Back channel me if so!!!
Thanks and xo
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