Hi all!

Thanks to everyone who attended this week's meeting!
Here's the tl;dr:

* We've been adding on average two new members a week! Yay!
* Next Wednesday, 7pm, the Omni is having a facilitation workshop. Ping me if you'd like to RSVP.
* Ed is hosting Friday night Linux installfests! Come learn you computer!
omni needs a lot more construction help
** bathroom renovation, chairlift, drywall patching, ceiling tiles
** join omni-building google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/omni-building
* [consensus]: "Sudoroom will consent to Rise Above renting space at the omni for $1000/month for a 6 month trial lease term, once the location and any building modifications and permits are clarified and once the meaning of tenancy is clarified by the Omni's legal/governance working group. We don't object to them being a tenant in a general sense."
* [CONSENSUS]: Sudo Room consented to the Omni spending up to $9500 for making the building ADA compliant and accessible ASAP.
* [CONFLICT]: "The Sudoroom community feels compassion towards Sally and wishes her the best, but we cannot trust her to respect the Omni's common space right now, so we must find her in bad standing as a member. She is not welcome at Sudoroom for a period of one month." "We find Sally in bad standing as a member and with heavy hearts, we suspend her access rights for one month, because she consistently uses the common areas inappropriately and has been warned many times."

Recorded for posterity at: http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2014-09-03


"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé