having gone as a robot made out of sudo room stuff last year, i second the robot halloween party idea and also would consider a dia de los muertos party to be inappropriate. i have family in town and won't be able to help set up the halloween party - apologies.

also, i've copied sudoer shani here as she has a few performers lined up for a halloween event that matt was planning and wants to figure out how those performers can still play at omni around halloween.

- marina

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:24 PM, yar <yardenack@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Hep Svadja <hepkitten@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, i understand that people want to don the costuming of DDLM. That is
> exactly part of the problem. Groups of privileged parties co-opting what is
> a sacred holiday not of their own culture. In that google image search you
> have a vast variety of white women dressing up to be "sexy" or spookyglam
> without any real ties to the culture, and very few images of hispanic people
> celebrating the holiday in the same costumes. This has been an on-going
> problem with non-cultural DDLM celebrations for decades now. It would be
> aggravating to see sudoroom add to that kind of cultural colonization by
> privileged groups.

Damn, wish I had taken a closer look at that event description. I
agree with hep, it looks pretty alienating. Let's have a robot-themed
halloween party instead. Beep boop.
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