Yeah, March has sucked economically.  I'm waiting for clients to pay bills that add up to a pretty decent chunk of dough, but until that happens, I'm also sweating my rent this month.

I'm trying to collect enough of it this week to cover the bills for 1st half of April.  As soon as I have it, I'll be writing a check to SR.  I can hook up with Anthony D. any time, to give him the check.



On 13-03-27-Wed 1:44 PM, Tommy York wrote:
Who seems to be having a somewhat similar problem in this bleak, bleak month of March (there's a lot of interesting information about their scale and reserves here):

You know what? I too am more than willing to bike around in the next couple of days, collecting donations if you can't make tonight or any evening later this week. I'm not working until Monday. Send me an email and I'll figure something out. I love exercise anyway.

Thomas Riley York (杨德民) 510.926.0510

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