Hey!I look back on my involvement in SudoRoom and Noisebridge and I was most happy and having fun bouncing off ideas with people when working on projects. This also contributed the most fun to SudoRoom and shows what is unique about the space.I got sucked into a bunch of interesting events, especially around teaching and helping lead Women Who Code meetups. That was very fun! I socialized with a lot of cool people and had good times. There were nice conversations.But these kinds of activities ultimately did not produce any tangible results that I could build upon. I am not interested in being an event planner or a teacher, although those are noble activities!How can we help make SudoRoom a bit more project-based? By putting new potential members on the path to creating projects, i think this would help with our retention.I keep mentioning again and again to new people that it's not so much fitting in with the people, having people hug you or going to events where everyone looks exactly like you that's important... meetups are all over the bay area. it's really the projects that suck people in and help them add diversity to the space.