Hey y'all! Long time, but I'm thinking my health is finally getting to the point where I might be able to grace the halls of sudo once more.

Next term, I'll be taking diffeq, and part of the class is coming up with real-world applications of differential equations and then solving them. I came to the conclusion pretty quickly that I also wanted to build something, and while dreaming of cat toys and thinking about pendulums, I realized I was missing the obvious solution: pendulum clocks.

There are quite a few resources out there for building a pendulum clock, some of them 3D printable and some of them wooden, but I was leaning more towards doing one in wood, although possibly printing the timing wheel, then sharpening it down more precisely by hand.

I'm currently looking at basing it off of these plans:  http://www.woodenclocks.co.uk/Clock%207-PR-3.PDF 

So my questions are: 

Does anyone have any experience with clock building?
How is the laser cutter functioning currently?
Are there any issues a novice clockbuilder should look out for?
What questions haven't I thought of?


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