On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Anon195714 <anon195714@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

As for comparing "'known gang member'" to "the more privileged class": that's postmodern BS.  The #1 killer of young black men in Oakland isn't police bullets but gang bullets.  So where are the outraged protests in front of known gang enclaves, eh?  This isn't an abstraction: a young black man I knew was killed in a drive-by.  As for "privileged class," about 1/3 of SudoRoom members are unemployed, and many are borderline-homeless.  A few more "privileges," such as full-time jobs that pay decent wages, would be a good thing. 

What's up sudoroomers? Hugely concerned about all the racist, classist, and privileged BS that was spouted in this paragraph right here. 
