The sudo room mesh networking group has gotten to the point where we are nearly ready to launch a free community wireless network in the east bay!
Even if you can't contribute monetarily, please consider forwarding this to your friends / social network of choice.
We will provide a free wireless network controlled and maintained by the local community. The network will be used it to provide both local community services, post-disaster backup connectivity and free internet connectivity focusing on the less connected communities.
We are also looking for new members. What you can do to help:
*Do you have access to a rooftop or tower where we can mount an antenna to make the mesh reach further? Do you know anyone who does?
*Do you want to adopt a node, either for mounting on the outside of your apartment/house or in your window?
*Do you want to run an indoor node in your home? Maybe the router you have is already compatible!
*Do you want to help with community outreach? We want to engage the local communities and need your help to reach more people.
*Can you help with design of fliers or websites?
We meet every Thursday evening at 8:30 pm at sudo room, and everyone is welcome to join!
Marc Juul