Okay. Bracketing the question of personal differences with others at sudo which I am sorry to hear about, I will say that my policy has been to communicate with Laurie and George via email whenever possible, and studiously avoid conversations with George in person or via phone if I can, though of course I realize if it was a chance meeting that can be just unavoidable. Laurie is reasonable in person, but to tell you the truth I have yet to communicate with George even one time to my memory where he did not get absolutely furious about something or other (I understand that matt has recently had better luck; ymmv but...) 

As you may have noticed, George is pretty passionate about things that bother him, and the volume of nearly every concern, mild or serious, real or imagined typically tends to emerge pegged at 11 on the negative affect scale. So in this respect at least, this sort of exchange is par for the course, whether or not Sudo or BAPS is actually in arrears with respect to our responsibilities. All things being equal, I can only imagine your experience with them has so far has been much the same, since frankly it is also the same with every other tenant in the building I have talked to.. which is all to say, do take George's recriminations with a grain of salt and don't let that ruin your day (though this may be moot in this case).

I will work on this insurance thing post-haste, and see if we can't George and Laurie get someone new on Sudo's lease before that happens.

Since I will be working on this - who exactly is going to sign for Sudo?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:05 PM, eddan.com <eddan@sudoroom.tv> wrote:
David -
It was in person this evening. No email to forward, but I've been sending them along to Matt.
The discussion of liability has come up repeatedly and though there are clearly other folks doing stuff day to day, I'm on the lease, which is why inquiries about what's going on come to me.
Jenny's email isn't even worth responding to. That's just not how it went down.

sent from eddan.com

On Feb 26, 2014, at 8:42 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Eddan,

I'm sorry you had to bear the wrath of the landlords - I also know what a bummer that is. Would you mind terribly forwarding me or the list that email from the landlords regarding the common space? As it sounds like something we should all be aware of, and I didn't get it. 

I actually wasn't aware that the insurance issue was directly tied to the issue of who will go on/off the lease. The insurance is actually on me at this point (for once, something is not matt's fault! ha) and I have been totally lame in getting it finally sorted. Get mad at me for that. I will do my best to get this completed post-haste. There are other folk that need to be off the lease too - the honorable Zach Houston for one. 

But regardless of who is on the lease, and please don't misunderstand (I am not downplaying the issue), Laurie and George do know who to interface with regarding the day to day responsibilities of Sudo Room and the Public School: basically, Matt, Jenny, me, and Melissa. I regularly email with George and Laurie. You shouldn't be caught in the middle of these tiff's, and I'm sorry that you have been. I'll send an email to Laurie and George reminding them funnel their correspondence away from you, and towards us.


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:23 PM, eddan.com <eddan@sudoroom.tv> wrote:
Hi All.

I just got a whole other set of complaints from the landlords about the use of the common area without regard for any other tenants in addition to this bathroom issue. I am still on the lease and have been asking to be removed since August. I have been feeling quite taken advantage of in continuously being told that my request will be honored onto after month without any movement on it. Isn't there enough money in the bank for Sudo Room to pay for insurance at this point? Is there some other reason I'm still on the lease?

I've tried to deal with this through Matt and despite his honest efforts, it keeps getting stalled. After another round of landlord complaints this evening, I tried to talk to some of the other Board members. While some expressed surprise that I was still on the lease and others sought a means to remedy the situation, others were extremely rude, expressing complete indifference and saying it was not their problem and that I was being offensive. What!?! And then when I explained that I felt taken advantage of, was told (without even looking up from the computer) that this was triggering and told to stop.

Look. I don't want to have any abrupt termination of the lease, but I've had more than enough of the derision and indifference when I try to ask to be removed from the lease. To be taunted for asking is outrageous.

Can we come up with a date by which we turn the lease over to Sudo Room?

sent from eddan.com

> On Feb 25, 2014, at 1:57 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Whomever is bottomlining big or big-ish events at the space, needs to check on the bathrooms during the event, and check on them after the event, and if they are by some chance trashed, clean them.
> Apparently the TP is sometimes running out during big events, causing people to use paper towels or napkins or other things, which then clog the toilets, which makes George really mad.
> Specifically, this apparently happened during the Spied Upon event which I bottomlined. Even though I cleaned the common area and took out the garbage etc before and after, I neglected to check on the state of the bathrooms (so that is totally on me).
> What we need to start doing in my opinion is having some extra TP on hand so we can pre-stock the bathrooms before large gatherings, so it does not run out.
> I also think if any one of us notices the bathrooms are messed up or out of supplies, we should also tell the bottomliner of the event, or fix it ourselves.
> This is especially important to remember at the end of the night when everyone is pooped and ready to head home: If you bottomline, check on the bathrooms before you leave..
> Best,
> David
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