Hello all,

After many months, I found my long-lost shopvac the other day (large orange tubby-looking 'Rigid' brand) - it seemed to have re-emerged with the sudo cleanup.. very happy about that. 

I put a new filter in and installed it back under the chop saw. Please all, leave it there and do not remove it - it is set up this way to inhale the dust from the saw so there is less mess and the air remains healthier. To turn on the chopsaw, simply click on the power strip thats ziptied to the side - this turns on the vacuum too. I ask that everyone leave this setup as one unit. If you need to use the rip saw, simply lift the chopsaw stand off and unplug it, then put it back on when you're done. 

For normal shopvac'ing, the tall RED 'ShopVac'-brand shopvac (that I also installed a new filter to) should be the one used for other jobs. Currently I saw this one last, also in the secure storage room, but now that the orange Rigid one is returned the red one should be put the red one back in sudo room (as I believe it is sudo's anyhow - not sure why it is in the secure storage room, but probably someone thought it was the best place for it). 

If you need to use the random orbital sander with a shopvac (makes the sanding pads last much longer and produces far less dust too) -- in the secure storage room, there is a large black flexible vacuum tube with a sander exhaust attachment permanently taped onto it (with shiny metal tape). Attach one end to the the sander, and the other end to one of the other shopvac's (any one that is not not part of the chop/ripsaw stand setup) and you're good to go for that stuff, too. 

Hope this helps clarify stuffs.
