Hi Marc,

Vian and I moved the sudo mate materials. Production of sudo mate has been extremely difficult with sudo room accessibility (sometimes sudo room is open and other times it is not). We believed we only moved sudo mate making equipment, but if there is something that is subir's just let us know and we will return it or arrange something equitable. We did borrow the bottling arm for a day --- if it is not in the space that is my bad and it will be return with profuse and appropriate apologies. 

You can always contact me, Marc.

Onward with Sudo Room's two great beverages!


On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Marc Juul <juul@labitat.dk> wrote:
I have been told that one or more of the people currently running sudo mate have removed mate-brewing gear from sudo room and are apparently brewing at another location.

This seems like something that should have been brought up with the group, or at least been announced to the mailing list. (Perhaps it was and I just missed the email?)

There are now a few issues:

  1. No-one else can now brew mate at sudo room.
  2. Some of that gear was purchased by and for the beer brewing group, which made the last bottling session problematic.
  3. I don't know the contact info for anyone who knows about this.

Who-ever moved the gear: We love you for brewing delicious sudo mate for sudo room, but please reply to this email and update the sudo mate wiki page!

Marc Juul

sudo-discuss mailing list