Hey! I'd like to submit my intent to join over email.

First, here's my new sudohumans profile: https://humans.sudoroom.org/~andrewrgross

Declaration of Intent to Join
Who I am
My name is Andrew R Gross ("R" is my full middle name) and I'm a politically conscious hacker and maker who just moved to Oakland from Los Angeles.

Why I want to join
I'm looking for many things that I've gotten from previous experiences with makerspaces: companionship; a rich well of technical expertise from which to learn and contribute; an organizing structure in which to effectively execute complex projects; and access to tools.

What I'm excited to do
I'm excited to use the laser cutter and the 6-axis arm, as well as to be a part of something I have the power to improve through my volunteership.

What I'm excited to share
What I'd like to share is my time and my energy, as well as my unique perspective (unique in the sense that we're all unique: my perspective isn't uniquely valuable relative to anyone else's). I like to clean and to organize group projects. I like to pay forward to others the good vibes and support I've been fortunate to receive.

Anyone interested in getting to know me should contact CRASHSpace hackerspace in LA, where I've been an active member in good standing for a while. You can send an email to the general mailbox or just drop into the email discussion list to ask for general impressions about me.

Additionally, check out my sosh-meeds:
reddit: u/andrew gross 
Insta: @andrew_r_gross
LinkedIn: andrew-r-gross
github: andrew gross


Andrew R Gross, (he/him)
412.657.5332    -   shrad.org

On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 10:30 AM Andrew R Gross <arg5029@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

How was last night's meeting? I wanted to declare my intent to join and discuss ways I can get started volunteering on any ongoing projects, but I didn't get on until after it ended. So I'll drop my info here so everyone can look it over before next week's meeting.

First, here's my new sudohumans profile: https://humans.sudoroom.org/~andrewrgross

Declaration of Intent to Join
Who I am
My name is Andrew R Gross ("R" is my full middle name) and I'm a politically conscious hacker and maker who just moved to Oakland from Los Angeles.

Why I want to join
I'm looking for many things that I've gotten from previous experiences with makerspaces: companionship; a rich well of technical expertise from which to learn and contribute; an organizing structure in which to effectively execute complex projects; and access to tools.

What I'm excited to do
I'm excited to use the laser cutter and the 6-axis arm, as well as to be a part of something I have the power to improve through my volunteership.

What I'm excited to share
What I'd like to share is my time and my energy, as well as my unique perspective (unique in the sense that we're all unique: my perspective isn't uniquely valuable relative to anyone else's). I like to clean and to organize group projects. I like to pay forward to others the good vibes and support I've been fortunate to receive.

Anyone interested in getting to know me should contact CRASHSpace hackerspace in LA, where I've been an active member in good standing for a while. You can send an email to the general mailbox or just drop into the email discussion list to ask for general impressions about me.

Additionally, check out my sosh-meeds:
reddit: u/andrew gross 
Insta: @andrew_r_gross
LinkedIn: andrew-r-gross
github: andrew gross


Andrew R Gross, (he/him)
412.657.5332    -   shrad.org