Any chance of using something like civicrm as a starting point? I've set that up a couple times (but am far from expert). there are a number of good reasons not to reinvent the wheel, among them is having a reliable system for keeping any sensitive data restricted to a trusted group.


On Feb 18, 2014 9:30 AM, "Hol Gaskill" <> wrote:
I'd be into helping set up a database to store this info, especially where it comes to tracking projects so new people can browse through more interactively than just reading down a page of text on the wiki.  has anyone done some basic frontend to a SQL database that we can copypasta?


Feb 16, 2014 09:35:55 PM, wrote:
I dont like regimentation  probably more than the next person, however I see a need to be a bit more methodical in our organizing of activities so thst we can become more accountable to one another.
>I see this as helping to build bonds without stressing as a lot of the logistics work can be done if we follow this format:
>SUDO Registry
>Tue.2:28am Oct.8.2013
>Wheres the sudo registry?
>contact info :
>Phone ( for txting)
>Best times to contact members : "Anytime" is an unaccountable cop.out :(
>Projects they are working on currently
>When those projects are sceduled for work on
>Resources available to help make the project successful
>Resources required to maje the project
>Transparency is one of our principles, so we should utilize it for its positive uses and become commited / accountable to one another as we work together and share space, time, and resources.
>I think this should go to the list in a truncated form asking people what they think of the idea.
>Yes I will work on making a wiki out of this,,,
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