I regularly see broken windshield glass on the sidewalks in Temescal. Sounds like there are some thieves who systematically cruise the neighborhood looking for anything they can grab out of parked cars - check the eye witness report from one of our members below.

Temescal is a relatively up-and-coming neighborhood in Oakland, but you really should not be leaving any valuables visible in your car *anywhere* in the Bay Area...

I know the apartment building across the street had its security camera trained on the Omni for a while. If you experience a car break-in, there's a possibility the police may be able to use that tape to catch these A-holes.

If you see anything suspicious (like in this case, a car driving up on the wrong side of the road checking out parked cars), make sure to jot down a license plate if you can...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ken osborn <misterkenosborn@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: Any new pics from fungal microscopy meetup?
To: Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com>

Hi Patrik - I went to the meetup and even brought a microscope, but as I was unloading my car another drove up on the wrong side of the road and opposite the car parked in front of me.  Then what happened next was hard to believe, but I then witnessed a smash-and-grab.  It happened very fast and was more than a bit confusion because at the same time that was happening I was on the cell with my daughter and another call came in just as the car drove up so I was paying attention completely until I heard the sound of a window breaking, almost like a gun shot.  I did not leave immediately but went into the meetup interrupting Alan to let folks know that they should make sure if they drove to the meetup and left anything visible inside their car they should move it so it was not visible.  What I saw clearly demonstrated that these guys cruise looking for something they can grab rapidly.  They also are very brazen.  This was in broad daylight and I don't think they could have missed seeing me while I was on the phone.  While I was not about to put myself in harm's way to stop them I did attempt to get the license number but by the time I got to the street they were too far away for me to read the plate.  I'm not sure if there is a solution to this as a potential problem for attendance, but I may be taking BART in the future.  The problem with that is my wife freaked and said it would be better to have the care damaged than her husband walking alone at night in that part of town.  Maybe.  The other possibility is to talk to the Oakland PD and see if they would have a patrol car in the area on a regular basis.  I have seen lots of broken glass in the street and now recognize it as car break-ins that must be taking place more than occasionally.  - Ken

On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

How was the fungal microscopy meetup yesterday? Sorry I couldn't make it - woudl have loved to!

We're putting together an article about CCL - possibly for TechCrunch or some guest blog post. - and I was wondering if there were any more cool pics that came out of the meetup yesterday, since it seemed like you had a good crowd signed up. 

If you have any on the "people having fun doing real work in the lab" category, and you wouldn't mind getting credited somewhere high-profile, let us know...



Ken Osborn
Misterken Photography
Web: www.flickr.com/photos/misterken
Email: kozborn@sbcglobal.net