>From Your SFEB Moderators:
***Wanna see more photos in our group? If you have an iPhone, try out My Free Stuff app. It helps you take and post Freecycle photos.
You **MUST** use only one of the following phrases in your subject lines
when posting to this group: OFFER, TAKEN, WANTED, RECEIVED.
Please note that NEEDED, PENDING, PROMISED, PPU, SPOKEN FOR or any other
variations, are *NOT* among the acceptable phrases for subject lines.
The *CITY* of your location is REQUIRED in all OFFER & WANTED posts. Posts lacking this information will be either edited or removed by the moderators. After the third incorrect post, the post will be rejected and you will be asked to re-post correctly.
To Contact Group Moderator: Send an email to either of the following addresses...
FreecycleEastSFBayArea-owner@yahoogroups.com or to
Freecycle - San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay