Yikes, was that on the same circuit?  

At this point it's no longer very cold and I think people can be asked to just dress appropriately.  The big heaters may be safe at least, but they're still energy hogs because of the uninsulated ceilings.

-- Steve 

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 6:44 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I removed a space heater found in the upstairs 'treatment' room and stowed it below the stairs in the bunker room. Please everyone, do not connect any space heaters upstairs, or any high-amp-load device upstairs. For now the circuit has been left off pending a qualified electrician visiting. 

As stated in my email, this circuits powering the upstairs rooms currently has issues, is currently tripping constantly and any high-amp device sets it off. 

I also think there maybe should be no space heaters in omni, they suck an incredible amount of electricity. I would rather we run the furnaces. There is for example a furnace in Sudo/CCL that has never been turned on.. What do people think about no space heaters?


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