Just to clarify (or further confuse - who knows)...

There are actually a couple of somewhat interdependent efforts going on:

- A number of us are trying to set up an East Bay DIYbio group, and so far we've been meeting on the last Friday at sudoroom - that's what Ryan was referring to.

- There's a group of people at sudoroom working on designing an Open Biotech Lab kit. See https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Biohacking . As far as I know we've only had one meeting on this so far, but we should probably meet a bit more regularly.

- There's also some other biohacking going on at (or by people associated with) sudoroom, including some really cool work with bacterial cheese that Marc Juul is working on. Marc is probably the best person to ask what else is happening.

As far as I know, the only thing regularly scheduled is the big East Bay DIYbio meetup on the last Friday. If there is anything else scheduled, I'd love to participate - I'll try to drop by sudoroom at 6 tonight just to be sure...


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Louis Huang <louis.huang@aegia.nu> wrote:
Just to confirm, this is happening today at 6 @ sudoroom? Or just the last Friday?

Sent from my iPhone

Louis T. Huang

On Mar 15, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Ryan Bethencourt <ryan.bethencourt@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey All,

At the moment we're meeting every last Friday of the month (just before hacker happy hour) at Sudo room (with impromptu meetings throughout the month).

We're still building up some regular infrastructure but we do have a mailing list on google groups and we're a sudo associated group :)

Feel free to forward the mailing list info Tommy to you're friend:

Nina's also putting together an additional wiki for us and the preliminary wiki is available on www.eastbaydiybio.org (so we finally have some web presence but it's still a work in progress!)


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com> wrote:
Didn't know this was happening - is this a regularly scheduled meeting now?


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Anthony Di Franco <di.franco@gmail.com> wrote:

6 pm.

On Mar 15, 2013 3:24 PM, "Tommy York" <tommy.york@gmail.com> wrote:
A friend is super interested, and I vaguely remember there being a
meeting today, but I can't remember what time. Please let me know!

Hack the planet.
Thomas Riley York (杨德民) 510.926.0510
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