did that help?

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 2:50 AM, johanna faust <female.faust@gmail.com> wrote:
here is something i found for pipermail:  may help whoever has access/familiarity with admin of the list -- and it looks like a one time deal.


the relevant part (according to me -- and am no expert) appears to be

set a user's mod flag with

withlist -l -r du.setMemberModeratedFlag testlist myemailaddress 'x'

and clear it with

withlist -l -r du.setMemberModeratedFlag testlist myemailaddress ''


hope am more helpful than not

(pdf enclosed

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Patrick Schmidt <psbschmidt@googlemail.com> wrote:
who can help with the list bouncing?
thanks, Patrick
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