I promise I'm not going to forward too many of these newsletters to sudo-discuss... but this is a very worthwhile non-project in Oakland. Mind Body Awareness enables youth (often involved in gangs, violence) to reach a healthier mental state through meditation.

 Their program sounds very nonjudgemental and takes a different perspective on solving such problems..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mind Body Awareness Project <info@mbaproject.org>
Date: Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 9:59 AM
Subject: Invest in Bay Area Youth This Holiday Season!
To: Romy <romy@snowyla.com>

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Dear Romy, 
Everyday we get to see how your support offers strength and hope to youth that have been the most left out and marginalized in today’s society: youth adversely affected by extreme poverty, violence, trauma, and the criminal justice system. The Mind Body Awareness (MBA) Project brings practical mindfulness and emotional regulation training to youth in juvenile detention centers and public high schools; approaching transformation from the inside out. We want to share with you one such story of transformation, the kind of story that keeps us in it for the long haul:

Raymond (pseudonym), a 16-year old gang member was introduced to a loving kindness meditation in one of our classes. In this meditation we repeat to ourselves “May I be happy … May I be healthy … May I be safe…” As the meditation was coming to a close Raymond jolted abruptly out of the practice. When we asked Raymond if he was ok, he told us: 

"I just had a vision. I could see myself right there. When I said to myself  'May I be happy,' I could see myself as a little kid, playing with toys and blocks. Just happy you know? Then, when I said to myself, 'May I be healthy,' I could see myself on my block in my neighborhood. I was holding a joint (marijuana) and I just took it and threw it behind me and left. And then, when I said to myself, 'May I be safe,' I could see myself on my block again. But this time I had my gun in my belt. I just took the gun and threw it in the garbage and walked away. That was deep."

Raymond attended our class for over 2 years while incarcerated in the maximum-security unit in the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center. That experience changed him at a root level. He’s since reported thinking less violent thoughts and continued on as a leader in our program, facilitating group meditations, bringing more friends each time.

As we approach the holidays, we invite you to help us support more youth like Raymond.
  • $100 supports one youth receiving 3 one-on-one counseling sessions
  • $250 supports one youth attending a 3-day, 2-night residential meditation retreat
  • $500 supports one youth to participate in our 10-module programs in the a juvenile hall
  • $1,000 supports one youth to go through a yearlong MBA high school class
  • $5,000 supports a yearlong training for one MBA instructor
Our goal is to raise $15,000 by December 31st, and we are just getting started. To help us get there, an anonymous donor has stepped up and offered us a $7,500 challenge grant! That’s right, the next $7,500 we receive will be matched, dollar for dollar! Please consider contributing to this match fund today!
Need a holiday gift idea? Dedicate a contribution in the name of someone special and we will notify him or her by email of your gift. Just specify in the “special instructions” section of PayPal's donation page or send us a note with your check with the person’s name and email and we will notify them immediately. Take advantage of the tax year ending by donating now to the Mind Body Awareness Project. 

Help us Friend-Raise! Post this challenge to your networks by forwarding this email to your friends.

We appreciate your commitment to our community and our youth!
Sam Himelstein, PhD
Executive Director, MBA Project

You can make an online donation or send a check made payable to the Mind Body Awareness Project, 478 Santa Clara Avenue, Suite 200, Oakland, CA 94610.
The Mind Body Awareness Project is a registered 501(c) 3 charitable organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. 

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