Hello everyone

On Dec 5 at the Port WorkSpaces at 101 Broadway (at Embarcadero) 2.Oakland celebrates Oakland based tech and innovation.  Please join us for community building, fun, music and food at our end of year gathering. 

To learn more and register visit http://twopointoakland.com/dec-5-2013-2-oaklands-tech-innovation-celebration/


In community,
Neil Planchon CPCC
Life and Productivity Coach, Website Design and Technology Solutions - www.neilplanchon.com

Founding Resident and Webmaster - Swan's Market Cohousing - Oakland CA - www.swansway.com
Board member, Treasurer and Technology Team - Old Oakland Neighbors - www.oldoaklandneighbors.org

Co-Chair and Technology Team - 2.Oakland - www.twopointoakland.com
Steering Committee and Technology - OakX - www.OakXnow.com 
OnBoarding, CRM administrator, etc.  - OpenOakland  - www.openoakland.org (A Code for America Brigade)

Steering Committee and Technology Team - Cohousing Research Network - www.cohousingresearchnetwork.org
Former Board Member, National Tours Director and Fundraiser - Cohousing Association - www.cohousing.org