Thanks for the link Alex.

I looked into it and I saw some differences, for example: it is a CAT6 vs CAT6A, 24awg vs 23awg, aluminum vs copper, etc.

If interested on the specs for what I  am suggesting:

And also about why CAT6A over CAT6:

In short, if we can afford CAT6A for the backbone it would be awesome.



On 8/4/14, 5:59 PM, Alexander Papazoglou wrote:
> Don't know if there's a difference in quality, but Monoprice has a pretty good price on Cat6 ($111.40). Pretty sure it's not copper-clad aluminum.
> Alex
> 2014-08-04 17:16 GMT-07:00 Somebody < <>>:
>     Super Awesome Luis! I was giving up on Cat6A. :)
>     Luis Murillo < <>> wrote:
>     I volunteer for the CAT6A cable, let's touch base this week.
>     On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 12:32 AM, < <>> wrote:
>         2014.08.02 Server Room Update:
>         First at all many thanks to the one (forgot his name, sorry) that waited
>         for the delivery on Friday, and to those that helped in the process of
>         getting the rack up and going.
>         The rack server is up and going, but still needs the patch panels, cable,
>         and the RJ45 modules. More details below. Anyhow, adding these accessories
>         to the rack would make the rack wiring cleaner and easy to follow when the
>         time of troubleshooting comes.
>         Items needed:
>         * 1 Patch Panel for Switch Rack (2RU) = Price: $62.12
>         * 1 Patch Panel for Server Rack (1RU) = Price: $39.45
>         * 24 Category 6A Jack Modules = Price ?
>         * Network CAT6A Bulk Cable = Price: $325
>         Thanks, and please let me know if you would like to donate any of the
>         above items.
>         Daniel
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