Argh - sorry for having you come all the way out there for nothing! I did notify them that we would be coming to pick it up. But I know that Eric, the main guy who was insistent on getting rid of it, just had a baby, which in his case seems to result in a bad combination of being hard to reach by email, and sudden "let's dump everything we don't need" urges. Sigh...


On Wed, Nov 21, 2018, 1:55 PM Jn < wrote:
Bad news guys, I went to pick this up and it was already gone on Monday

Thanks, Null
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 20, 2018, at 12:53 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:

Any chance someone could help pick this thing up from BioCurious in Santa Clara? There's a chance I might be able to fit it in my hatchback with some effort, but a larger car or pickup would make things much easier. 

Also, I know there's some folks at BioCurious who are itching to throw it out asap. I may not be able to make it out there for another week or two, so if anyone else is able to pick it up earlier,  that would increase our chances of getting it before it gets tossed...


On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 8:31 PM Patrik D'haeseleer < wrote:
Urgent - BioCurious have a beautiful 5'9" tall rotating component tower (pic below), that they are about to throw out within the next couple of days.

If Sudo would like this component tower, please let me know ASAP! It has been gathering dust at BioCurious for several months now, and they would like to get rid of it as soon as possible.


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