what i offered last night was (i believe,) slightly different than what we talked about in person, if i remember correctly. I think i even voiced the same idea at that meeting...
my idea was to have no dedicated large space for either baps or backspace, but to rather declare these areas as common spaces and ensure that both BAPS and BS have the hours and space they need to hold classes/workshops etc. The initial BS proposal was, I believe, one dedicated space for baps, and some separate dedicated space for BS. I think i even remember asking you right at the end to just include BAPS in your proposal w/o division of common space, and then the next day i got the email that backspace was removing baps from the proposal. Which is totally ok! I and some other members want to wait one more week to see if there's any other way we could go about the den, but i, as well as everyone at BAPS meeting last night, is totally in favor of BS and the proposal! We/I love you and backspace!! <3
maybe this is too semantic and nit-picky and based on fear. maybe we do need to have more good faith. these are questions i thought about last night too... your concerns are warranted, and i feel them as well.
Also the necessity for large dedicated space for BAPS and BS might be ultimately necessary. someone at Baps said last night that we may be setting ourselves up to be pushed out of the omni due to our lofty ideals and resistance to having dedicated space.
BAPS consented last night on giving BS designated space of porthole room and TIL/kids room asap, and to wait one week to think about any creative solution to the den. It's my thinking that essentially all BS needs right now is a.) storage for mats tinctures etc etc, and b.) a small room for 1on1's. Right now, no one is using the den or the disco room in any official manner so, our thinking at BAPS last night was that BS could effectively start doing everything they wanted to right now, by having the TIL/kids room and the porthole room (BS could even use the bunker/haunted classroom in the interim until TIL moves upstairs)?
But also, this is all flexible, I'm personally not 100% sure about this "counter-proposal" coming from BAPS, although at the moment it seems like the best option, one that helps BS too and doesn't run the risk of making a big decision too quickly? for the record, BAPS is also taking off our own designated space proposal, to my knowledge, or is at the very least rewording it so that it is common space as opposed to designated space, with the assumption that BAPS and commons wg would work together on it (or something like that- yesterday's meeting was constructive but confusing- everyone is trying to do the best they can, i promise!)
that being said, there is *absolutely* (!) no one saying no to BS. BAPS <3's BS. I <3 BS. BAPS <3 Sara. I <3 Sara. And i'm so sorry for the trouble this is causing you!!!
BAPS strongly thinks that one more week would be a good idea (for the den space only) in order to have a little more time to think creatively about it. BAPS wants BS to have the other spaces ASAP b/c it seems like BS could effectively start asap if ya'll had those spaces to use...
But also, nothing is set in stone, let's talk about this tonight with love. It was even surprising how, w/in the Baps meeting, basically everyone had a different opinion re: what to do about common space, space for BAPS, and space for BS. But one thing is for certain, at least in my mind: that Backspace will have everything it needs to function and thrive. I care so much about healing and carework and i'm in desperate need of some care myself (just got diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome on monday, and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only bapser who suffers from it).