The following additions to the sudo room articles of association are proposed. They are hereby announced an the mailing list and we will make a decision on whether to adopt these additions at the sudo room meeting on wednesday may 7th.
== Section 2.1b Process for becoming a member ==
* To become a member, a person must submit a brief written or spoken Declaration of Intent to Join where they answer the following questions:
** Why do you want to be a member of sudo room?
** What are you excited about hacking at sudo room?
** What are you excited about sharing with sudo room?
It is only possible to become a member at the weekly sudo room
meeting. Prospective new members should attend if possible but can
submit a written declaration if they are not able to attend.
At the sudo room weekly meeting, all prospective members must leave
the room while the existing members have a chance to bring up any
concerns or reasons why the prospective member should not be allowed
membership (This shall be referred to as the Initial Pondering).
** The intent is for it to be very easy for new members to join, so only very serious concerns should be brought up.
If any existing member objects to a prospective new member becoming a
member, and this cannot be resolved through discussion, then the
prospective member will not be allowed membership.
Unreasonable or frequent blocking of new members by an existing member
is grounds for immediate termination of membership based on a 2/3 vote.
After the Initial Pondering, if there are no objections, the member becomes a partial member, which means that they have all rights that
membership confers, except the following:
** The right to participate in decisionmaking at the sudo room weekly meeting.
** The right to throw non-members or sleepers out of sudo room.
* Partial members must be introduced to sudo room's values and be given
a tour of the space after or during the sudo room weekly meeting where
they became partial members, of if they are not present, at their
earliest convenience.
New partial members must be communicated to the sudo rooom mailing
list within 24 hours, including their Decleration of Intent to Join.
* After becoming a partial member, there will be one week for sudo room
members to raise objections as to why the partial member should not be
allowed to join (This shall be referred to as the Extended Pondering).
If objections occur and cannot be resolved through discussion, then the partial member will loose their partial membership and they will be refunded any paid memberships fees or dues.
If after the Extended Pondering there are no unresolved objections,
the partial member automatically becomes a full member. No announcement
of this change of status is necessary.
= Article 5. Empowerment of members =
== Section 5.1 Non-member access ==
* To empower members to deal with problematic non-members:
Any member may deny non-members access to sudo room assets (and require
the non-member in question to vacate the physical space) at any time,
with no reason given, unless some other member currently present in the
space is willing to vouch for the non-member in question as a guest.
Before denying a non-member access (and requiring the non-member in
question to vacate the physical space), the member must ask both the
non-member and the members present in the space if any member is
vouching for the non-member as a guest.
For a non-member, being denied access (and required to vacate the
physical space) is not a ban, and the non-member in question may return
after 12 hours.
== Section 5.2 Domestic Use ==
bay area is in the throes of a housing crisis. Despite the abundance of
resources (space, buildings, etc), the distribution of those resources
is unfair. For many it can be costly and difficult to fulfill the basic
human need of shelter. However, sudo room, as a creative community and
hacker space, must maintain a division between habitation and usage of
the space. As such the following are resolved:
* Sudo room is not intended to be used for habitation or domestic purposes.
* No-one is allowed to sleep in sudo room at any time.
* Any member can require that anyone sleeping in sudo room must leave immediately.
Repeated sleeping at sudo room is grounds for being temporarily or
permanently denied access to sudo room's assets, including its physical