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PARTY? DETAILS! (be sure to check the event links above).

Gently suggested donation of $10 – 20, and NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDS!

Help setup at 4pm and enjoy yourself! We have to assign a "start time" so we're saying 6pm... you can be there earlier or later. :)  In the later evening we'll clean up + the next morning.

Noisebridge is having a super awesome laser-themed Halloween exhibition-fundraiser PARTY. We’re going to have live local musicians, a bar, performers, and amazing shiny, blinky, glowy, future-y costumes. We’ll also have exhibitions and demonstrations by talented local artists, coders, gamers, and YOU! Feel free to add your project to our official event page & bring it to the party!

Everyone is invited: geeks, dorks, nerds, hipsters, hippies, punks, weirdos, gentrifiers, friends new and old.
Donations graciously accepted at the door or online at any time -- Click the "Facebook Tickets" link to donate online.

As well as being the most kick-ass Halloween party in SF, this party will benefit a GREAT cause. You can help Noisebridge fund our new kick-ass laser cutter (click here for specs on the cutter). As you probably know, Noisebridge is a 501(c)(3) organization that has helped countless numbers of people over the past eight years. We’ve benefited so many members of the public, especially those working on technical and creative projects, and hope to continue to do so long into the future. This party is to encourage community and help us raise the remaining $3,746 to pay for our awesome new laser cutter! Please encourage people to attend! Or, Get Involved as a Volunteer!  Noisebridge loves you!