Hai -- Friday works for me.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:05 AM, :::Marty::: <mrwood@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sudoers

A couple of things. I didn't get much of a response for screening The Pirate Bay film and as Jenny pointed out Tuesdays are super busy. How does this Friday 2/22 work for people? There are no conflicts i can see on either the Sudo calendar or the Public school. 

Also i wanted to know that i've acquired a first aid kit for Sudoroom so we can take it off the wish list. Ill bring it in later in the week.

I am also looking for folks interested in developing The Public School website. There are a lot of improvements to be made and there is a test server already running. The site runs on Drupal. So if any dev types have some extra time or interest i can get you access or we could do a hackathon to shore up the site.


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