travel through September covers 3 continents: Oceania, Europe and North America.
In Canada and USA, he has been in:
- Yarrow Ecovillage
- Kale CSA
- Industrious Nature
- Seattle University
- Portland City Repair Institute
- Post Carbon Cities
- Aprovecho Research Institute
Next up:
- Berkeley Cohousing
- A PLACE for Sustainable Living
- Green Valley Village Ecovillage
- Laytonville Ecovillage
- Solfest XV
- Post Carbon Institute
- Transition US
- LA Ecovillage
- Bicycle Kitchen
He writes: For this project (EKOBIDAIARIA = SUSTAINABLE TRAVELER), I am working with and for KUTXA EKOGUNEA, an educational Eco-Park located in San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain. Researching all over the world during 3 months about sustainable living models based in energy, consumption model, and rural development. KUTXA EKOGUNEA would like to know more about the sustainable development situation in different part of the world."