I for one would be happy to discuss sink-sharing thoughts w BBL. 
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] Let's move in together!
From: Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, September 29, 2013 4:10 am
To: "Morten H. D. Fuglsang" <vallebo@gmail.com>
Cc: bayareapublicschool@googlegroups.com, sudo-discuss
<sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org>, counterculturelabs@googlegroups.com

This is all very exciting news! I am fully in support, of course ;) buut I also feel we are in need of a fourth group to rent the other room, or perhaps Berkeley Biolabs can establish a sink collaboration with CCL?

Cheers from Kamarom, Hungary at the conclusion of a most excellent hacker camp! \o/


"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Morten H. D. Fuglsang <vallebo@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks to everyone who are participating in moving this forward, and thanks Marc for a quick summary.
Riding the momentum - yeah! :)
On Sep 27, 2013 10:30 PM, "Marc Juul" <juul@labitat.dk> wrote:
Just completed the report-back from the joint meeting of sudo room, bay area public school and counter-culture labs. Here's a quick summary:

Bay Area Public School definitely prefers to stay where they are (on the current floor) and would love to take over the entire floor with CCL and sudo room.

sudo room is interested in staying and taking over the entire floor, if we can make some agreement that ensures that we have to deal with George a lot less. sudo room is also open to the possibility of finding a new space, possibly with the public school and or CCL. sudo room is not willing to move very far away from BART.

Counter Culture Labs is probably long term more interested in getting a bigger and more industrial space with more permissible zoning, but they are interested in taking over sudo room's current space as their bootstrap location, with the same stipulations as sudo room regarding the landlord situation.

Financially, CCL can at least pay what sudo room is paying now ($1500 + utilities). sudo room would need to move to the bigger space at the other end of the common room, which may be stretching sudo room's finances if only sudo room is paying for it. Public school felt like they couldn't pay that much more than they currently are paying, but also said that it might be possible to get more financial support by creating a big "joint space relaunch" and riding the momentum to get more interest. I think this would be a great idea for all three groups!

Other groups that may be interested:

  A member of the public school expressed interest in starting a yoga studio in the small wood-floored room, but wouldn't be able to immediately afford the full rent. Matt suggested that we get more groups that use the space once a week or more and then split the cost between them, basically subleasing it as dance/yoga/other recurring event space.

  Berkeley Biolabs may be willing to rent one of the small rooms, but that would probably require putting in plumbing. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like a simple proposition.

The next step should be for someone to approach George and get an offer for the entire common room + offices (possibly not including the corner office). We can then present that to the three+ groups, devise a way for us to split the costs and space, and make a counter-offer. This could potentially get resolved in 1-2 weeks if we move quickly.

Who's willing to talk to George about this scenario? Matt?

Let me know if I accidentally mis-represented something.


On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Marc Juul <juul@labitat.dk> wrote:
Hi sudo room and public school!

People from sudo room, the public school and counter culture labs are showing up at 7 pm today (friday) to talk about the possibility of moving in together.

Come join if you want to be part of the discussion!

Marc Juul

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