The AMP Zine deadline is August 18th by email or postmarked by August 15th!

The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is making a zine! The zine is part of the Narratives of Displacement project and aims to share individual and community stories, thoughts and feelings surrounding the gentrification of San Francisco and the Bay Area and the resulting flood of evictions. Reflections on home, community and displacement are welcome.

Be creative! Entries can be as small as one word or a tiny doodle, and up to 800 words. Potential submission formats include: poem, short story, essay, thought, doodle, sketch, painting, comic, print, stamp, quote, joke, collage, pretty much anything you can or cannot think of.

The zine is open to anyone who has something to express related to these issues, but we would especially love to see contributions from folks who have been personally impacted in one way or another by gentrification and/or displacement.

Please specify if you would like to remain anonymous. Otherwise we would love to credit you for your work in the zine. We will not edit submissions, but we do have a particular political and artistic vision for the zine that some pieces may not fit into. However, our goal is to be as open and accessible as possible, especially as a platform for typically marginalized voices and stories.

Questions and submissions can be sent to and/or Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, 558 Capp Street, SF, CA, 94110.

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Some background on AMP, from our website:

The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is a data-visualization, data analysis, and digital storytelling collective documenting the dispossession of San Francisco Bay Area residents. The project seeks to de-isolate those displaced and act as a tool for collective resistance.

We use maps and digital storytelling to make the often invisible processes of eviction, displacement and gentrification clearly seen.

We have released multiple maps, including our:

- Eviction Pledge Map, where you can look up an address to determine its eviction history, and pledge never to rent or buy from a landlord or speculator who has profited off of displacement.
- Our Crowdsourced Map of Loss and Displacement, where you can share your story, photo, of video on a geolocation platform, and add to the map.
- Time-lapse maps of Ellis Act Evictions and all No-Fault Evictions that have taken place since 1997. We have also mapped evictions of seniors and people with disabilities over the last three years, with information about the landlords and speculators who have displaced them.
- Map of serial evictions.
- Map of income inequality.
- Map of no-fault evictions surrounding tech bus stops.
- And more!

Check it out: