Hello Friendly Sudo Room,

I won't be coming to tonight's meeting (Life: the Great Distractor), but I am still interested in making food.

Since we have lot's of pasta in the Sudo Kitchen (I can see it from the live camera feed, that is trained on the pantry), I'm going to suggest a pasta salad.

If others can provide fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, and perhaps fresh mozzarella then we would have a feast indeed.

I have garlic and an onion (or at least a part of an onion), and I can season olive oil with it. Add salt and pepper and you have a less than $20 dinner for hungry Sudoers.

We can get fancy and put in capers or yellow squash or any numbers of other things, but the essentials of garlic, olive oil, salt, tomatoes, and basil is timeless.

Anyone's tastebuds tickled sufficiently to shop and cook with me. car nice to have but unessential.
