Yeah, not cool. i don't understand yoir response at all, yar? maybe there's a miscommunication here?

Lots of groups have booked common space for film shoots through the normal process (which includes vetting the nature of the event for alignment), contributing financially and with proper protocols established (such as no recording anyone without their permission, signage, awareness of other things happening in the building, etc). Letting friends of former members (as this sounds to be) feel entitled to free unscheduled use of space with no agreement/contract *is* precisely the kind of "elitism" Steve was haranguing omninoms about, which those of us involved in booking and scheduling the space have been very self-examining of and working hard to avoid especially over these past 2 years.

And yes, Commons and Finance still need to have this convo, but for-profit / unsponsored use of the space, even one time, renders that space taxable for the year. Our property taxes are $25-30k/yr (about a fifth of our annual income) and we havent gotten any feedback on our exemption yet. Tender times. We've been waiting for feedback from the assessor to have that fully-informed convo - the County's fiscal year is July-June, so any changes in our booking processes should take shape before June to count toward our 2019-20 property tax exemption.. Probably will be in our interest to have _only_ nonprofit/sponsored events in the entrance hall as it's hella square footage. CCL, sudo, liblens, upstairs offices etc are all exempt areas.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2019, 19:25 Marc Juul via commons <> wrote:
On 4/24/19, Marc Juul <> wrote:
> On 4/24/19, robb <> wrote:
>> from all my interactions with the commons working group, i was under the
>> impression that private/for profit entities needed to contract with omni
>> commons to use commons space and pay fair market value as we are a 501c3
> I don't think it has anything to do with our 501c3 status (but could
> be wrong there) but yes I agree that we charge people to use our space
> and I'm pretty sure recording in the entrance hall would not have been
> allowed unless there was some agreement around having access through
> the back door and a sign so people don't accidentally end up in some
> for=profit video just because they are hanging out at Omni.

Actually there may be issues around letting a for-profit group use
spaces other than the ballroom in that it may affect the property tax
status of those rooms.
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