Heyo Sudoroom!

Oakland is hosting it's first Startup Weekend event (http://bmaoakland.startupweekend.org/) and I thought y'all might be interested in knowing more.

The hackathon focuses on community problem solving through five tracks (health, education, restorative justice, gaming, and sustainability), and in collaboration with The Hidden Genius Project, it's also providing an opportunity for young Black men to participate in the process by joining your team as designers or developers.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the hackathon; so if you want to do some home-grown problem solving in your own community, check out the info for the event.

Event details: http://bmaoakland.startupweekend.org/
Registration form: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/startup-weekend-oakland-tickets-8782104511
More event info: http://oaklandlocal.com/2014/01/february-7-9-hackathon-in-oakland-focuses-on-bringing-youth-of-color-into-tech/
