Also note that unless you explicitly tell me otherwise, I intend to ask to get these hearts individually frozen. Much easier to handle, and I need to start with a freeze-thaw cycle for my particular experiment anyway.

I'm not sure if I can *get* them already frozen, and I don't know how freezing would affect texture for those of you who want to use them for eating (probably doesn't, I'm guessing). It would obviously affect cell viability, if anyone has any cell culturing ambitions.


On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:
I'm about to order some pig hearts for a science experiment form C&M Meats in Berkeley, but they won't deal with an order of less than five.

So - anyone want a free pig heart? About the same size and shape as a human heart. Halloween is coming up. So is end of BBQ season - hint, hint...

Also perfect for dissection classes! These hearts are food grade, but will be much more intact than what you might find at the butcher (what's called a "bio-heart" in the trade: arteries still attached, no slit through the chambers to let the blood drain, etc.)

Come on, have a heart!
