I would like to talk with any folks who can collaborate or help establishing a book scanner in Oakland. I am talking about a complete system, finished, effective and quick. I myself need to be able to scan quantities of books several times a month easily. I cannot afford the total cost maybe $1500 of the base kit, cameras(aprox $100 per) and computer hardware of full fledged system recommended by

There are many DIY project designs out there and software great to tinker with. But, what I am interested in is quickly completing setting up a fast stable system(or getting one donated or purchased) - and working with the projects and issues that begin at that point: starting with scanning lots of books. I have a huge number of books I need to scan for personal and political projects which have broader applications.

I would prefer working on a system that could serve many people and needs - and I would be interested in being part of a collective working on getting books scanned and converted to accessible formats (particularly http://daisy.org) - but also interested in working on making the system available to more people and the whole thing accessible for the disabled. I am also interested in discussing working on the further extensions of accommodating reading disabilities, books and computer access for the blind.

I volunteer at Revolution Books to fight the power and transform the people for revolution. I have a good basis in literature of art, politics, history, science and international fiction needing to be read and made available. I have a reading disability.  I have taught TV production and media in public schools. I live in Oakland.
